Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to know that it is Dystonia?

Eye twitch is usual. But what if a twitch at the end of the left eye or your right often comes suddenly and in the long run? Especially if you're feeling tense, stressed and exhausted. So your eyes will flash with great without being able to be controlled. Certainly, all the activities you are doing would be disrupted. What actually happened?

It may be that you suffer from dystonia, which muscle movements are out of control. This dystonia can attack experienced by all people.

The experts believe that dystonia occurs because of abnormalities in several regions of the brain (basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebral cortex), where several messages to instruct the muscle contractions are processed. Suspected to have damage to the body's ability to process a set disebtu chemical neurotransmitters, which help the cells in the brain to communicate with each other.

The initial symptoms are a decline in writing (after writing a few lines Kalima), leg cramps and a tendency of drawing one leg up or a tendency to drag the foot when walking or running at a certain distance. Round the neck or interested person outside of consciousness, especially when the patient feel tired. Arise suddenly muscular movements out of control and attacked members of such body, the eyelids blinking (blepharospasm), neck tilted / tengeng (cervical dystonia), throat hiccups (laryngeal dystonia), tight mouth (oromandibular dystonia), hand and fingers stiff (occupational cramps / writer 's Cramp), wrist and elbow stiff hand (limb dystonia).

Another symptom is difficulty speaking or making a sound. Initial symptoms can be very mild and only be felt only after heavy exercise, stress or fatigue. Long the symptoms become more obvious and widespread and unbearable.

Genetic factors

Dystonia is rare attack children, but there is also affected by dystonia teenagers due to genetic factors. Dystonia generally attacks people aged over 40 years.


For dystonia sufferers can reduce the movements by taking tranquilizers or anti-epileptic drugs. Unfortunately, these drugs are sometimes given cause side effects such as drowsiness. That is why, one of the efforts to alleviate the dystonia patients, doctors inject Botox (Botulinum Toxin) in the muscle is broken. Botox itself is of the botulinum toxin found in 1827. Toxic if eaten rotten food will cause pain, but if toxins are processed in such a way can help the healing of muscle disorders. Patients with dystonia, theoretically could not recover. Thus, the patient should continue taking the medicine or Botox injections every six months to once a year to normalize muscle tone.


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