Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to vaccinate H1N1 without vaccine

Tip to overcome the swine flu did not spread more widely. The following tips are:

1. Wash hands frequently. Washing hands with soap and water several times a day. Dry hands after washing. If there is no water, can use hand washing material from the alcohol.

2. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth. Flu viruses are often spread when a person in contact with patients who terkontiminasi germs, then contact with the eyes, nose or mouth.

3. Avoid contact is too close. Avoid having contact with someone who is ill.

4. Stay home if you are sick. If possible, stay home and avoid crowds centers if you're sick. This will help prevent other people from the possibility of contracting the same disease.

5. Use your nose and mouth cover. Use a handkerchief or tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of the virus. If you do not have a tissue, use the front sleeve, do not use your palms. Dispose of tissue in the trash.

6. Keep distance. If you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them not to come stricken ill.

7. Apply a healthy lifestyle. Think back to smoking, rest or sleep enough, exercise regularly so that the body can be active, manage stress levels, drinking lots of water, and consumption of nutritious foods.

8. Consultation with the doctor if sick. Come to the health center or physician if any signs of flu symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, confusion, and vomiting.

9. Postpone the trip if you're sick. If you're sick, you should re-think to travel by plane or other transportation. If forced to fly to countries that swine flu, consult your doctor immediately.

10. Follow the development of information from local health authorities. You need to keep up with the latest developments in the situation of pandemic influenza and the advice given local health authorities.


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