Thursday, November 26, 2009

Health Tips for Men

Every men would love to have a healthy body. Unfortunately, our lifestyle, mobility and high activity makes us sometimes underestimate health. If we do not care about the body from now,it could be a disease will not hesitate over to us. If the body is sick, automatic sexual life will also be affected, to avoid it's good for men to beginning pay attention to their health. Especially for men who tend tight work with their health, here are some good info that's important to know:
1. Sitting Can Kill Sperm

It's not a foreign thing again if the sperm is sensitive to heat up, so the doctors recommend men do not too often a hot bath, curl up in the spa room, even holding a laptop. A study published in the journal Human Reproduction published in England in 2004 mentioned the combination of laptop heat generated by the heat produced a flattened style sitting thigh to be placed with a laptop balanced it will interfere with sperm production, in this case an increase of more than 1 degree of threshold will result in negative effects on sperm.

2. Avoid Tight Pants

Men are also advised not to use tight pants. Pants (also applies to underwear) which will make a tight testicles clung to the body unnaturally, so that makes it warmer. Sitting out continuously, for example, for three hours, can increase the temperature of the scrotum (testicle sac), the temperature enough to kill sperm.

3. Supplements Improve Sperm Quality

Several studies have shown, a supplement containing vitamin C, zinc L-carnitine (amino acid), can help improve the quality of sperm. This is demonstrated in a study of 47 men with poor sperm motility. They were given 3 grams of L-carnitine a day and it turns out, these supplements can double sperm count.

Other studies done by giving high doses of zinc intake, and found the same result, zinc can improve sperm quality. Some 101 men who are infertile get 440 mg of zinc sulfate for at least two months. This is part of a comprehensive treatment for them. And the result is more than 75 percent of them had managed to get offspring. Consumption of vitamin C 250 mg daily (increased to 1,000 mg for smokers) can reduce oxidative damage to sperm. This means that, vitamins can help prevent birth defects caused by poor sperm quality.

4. Smoking and Erectile Disorder

Smoking will make blood vessels contract, the sex organs, this means that smoking will increase the risk of erection problems, because the blood flow to the penis reduced. Research conducted in England that was launched Healthnewsday shows, 78 percent of 1011 patients were smokers erectile disorder. While the study conducted at Yale University Medical mentions about 40 percent of men who spend a pack of cigarettes per day experienced erectile dysfunction, compared with those who do not consume tobacco.

5. Lifestyle and Impotence

Impotence can be caused by many things, one of them when the arteries to the penis becomes blocked. However, do not be too worried about it, because the program includes four steps: low-fat vegetarian diet, stopping smoking, a half-hour walk every day, and learn to manage stress, it can help improve these types of potential interference.

6. Tomato Consumption

Tomatoes are powerful, it proved to the men who in a week consume ten or more dishes involving tomatoes, tomato because it can reduce the risk of prostate cancer as much as 45 percent. This is because tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is a cancer-preventing antioxidants. This discovery resulted from a seven-year study by Harvard University involving 47,000 men in middle age. No matter how the tomatoes consumed, could be in the form of soup or sauce, tomato remain healthy.

7. Vasectomy and Sexual Relations

Vasectomy can be done to stop the man had no intention of pregnancy and have another child, or to satisfy couples who previously complained uncomfortable with condoms or other contraceptives. However, with any permanent sterilization, they sometimes also feel unsure. According to research, couples who undergo sterilization (vasectomy or the binding of either tubal ligation) stated that they have more to enjoy sexual relations a year after undergoing sterilization, and even tended to increase their frequency.

8. Vegetarian Prevent Hair Reduction

It is genetic to get balding , but the lifestyle and the wrong hair care can also trigger baldness believed. DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a form of testosterone, is the agent who contribute to hair loss. People who like eating meat rich in fat and low in fiber have a high testosterone level, where it will be converted testosterone into DHT. Therefore, vegeterian diet low in fat and rich in fiber can lower testosterone levels.

9. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep makes him sluggish and lackluster at work, but getting enough sleep can prevent premature aging. When we produce sleep hormone Somatropin, a hormone crucial to inhibit the aging process that works for regenarasi cells. When disturbed sleep schedule, these hormones can not produce well, the result will be inhibited cell regeneration, but without regenarasi, the cells that die can not be replaced, the work cells become restricted. Besides making a mess body rhythms, sleep deprivation will also make your sex life disrupted.

10. Body Powder

Conscious or not very influential body odor in our social relationships, because the smell is the most experienced of senses, which works every time. Do not ever think of fragrance made compulsory only women, because the erotic power of fragrances to hide in it. Although a study conducted at the Human Biology faculty scientist at the University of Pensylvania published in the journal Biology of Reproduction reveals America male sweat can reduce women's stress, helps relaxation, even regulate the menstrual cycle and become drug-PMS (premenstual syndrome). Although male armpit odor can set the mood of women, but you should still use the perfume or deodorant to prevent excessive sweat production is very inviting odor.

11. Increase aerobic Passion

Do not ever say no to your spouse or friend to remove the sweat in the gym after the home office, because it spent time in the gym can really make you healthy physically and sexually. A study supporting this research conducted involving 95 men aged around 48 years in which 17 people walking for one hour, four times eminggu. The rest practice aerobics. After 9 months, was the man who exercised by walking on foot does not show changes in their sexual lives. Instead, the men from the group aerobic leap in reported experiencing sexual arousal, and even about 30 percent more than intercourse. Sexual problems became less and more able to enjoy the orgasm.


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