Sunday, December 27, 2009

Swine flu, is it a conspiracy?

This articles doesnt mean to make a point or something, but the rumours, especially in my country, Indonesia, is getting famous....

Here are excerpts from site describing the facts relating to the alleged conspiracy strong spread of bird flu virus and the pig in the world. Next up to you to give an assessment.

Confession of John D. Rockefeller, the U.S. Vaccine Plant Entrepreneur

We'll talk about what happened in April 1930. This from the archives of history that easily verified. In April 1930, a company called Eli Lilly makes a substance called chimerical, also known as mercury (mercury). This chimerical used in vaccines is different from the 1930s, or what is called an adjuvant. Adjuvant is something that is defined material to increase the effectiveness of the virus or bacteria contained in the vaccinations.

Now I need to give you a little background Ely Lilly, founder-founder of Eli Lilly, or the people who sit on the board of directors at that time. We look and see the director of Eli Lilly, and we find a man named Prescott Bush, who was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush (President of the United States to 41) or the grandfather of George Walker Bush (President of the United States to 43). We find that Prescott Bush also had some very interesting people who sat in his company at that time. Father Vice President George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Quayle's family also sat on the board of directors at that time at Eli Lilly. Eli Lilly in 1930 to publish a series of experiments in this chimerical product.

And when I pointed out and see the results of this research chimerical I do not believe and wonder. They inject chimerical into the body of 22 people suffering from spinal meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain spinal cord), and all died instantly. But then Eli Lilly to publish the research results, and their claims that chimerical, which is 50% toxic heavy mercury, completely safe. Since that initial step begins. I connect here, grandfather of George W. Bush, Prescott Bush, became the first researcher of chimerical and vaccinations, vaccination before 1930.

In 1972 I found the World Health Organization, also known as the WHO. This refers to the creation of a resistant virus, and declared that useful to study the influence that was quoted as saying "to put this virus in vaccination programs around the country and observe the results”. Many people, many biochemists have I brought to speak, theorized that WHO used smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for the first of this research, and from there began the spread of HIV infection.

It coincided with the smallpox vaccination campaign the most recent and intense. So I'm here to tell you all that in 1972, smallpox experiments have led to the outbreak of HIV / AIDS which is currently being destroyed Africa and become a problem in America. Request a virus again in this year 1972, saying the virus will again demand to selectively destroy the system of human T-cells. And let me say that is exactly what the human immune destruction by the HIV virus is starting.

And we also need to talk briefly about what happened in December 1976 to create a stage for the so-called bird flu hoax. We need to also look back on something called the swine flu hoax that happened in December 1976. Fort Dix In New Jersey, a U.S. soldier died, a soldier dies, the Center for Disease Control at the time reported to U.S. citizens and world community through the media is controlled, that Americans are in danger of dealing with swine flu pandemic that could kill millions people in the United States.

Then what happens, the right thing that I want to describe briefly what is happening today has happened in the past 1976 years. U.S. Center for Disease Control is deployed, started buying enormous doses of swine flu vaccine to inoculate all Americans as much as possible. Many millions of dollars spent by the U.S. government and enrich the pharmaceutical cartel to this swine flu vaccination.

The ends for national security, which confers privilege admirably to Eli Lilly, Sanofi Pasteur and all the other manufacturers to produce vaccines. Behind the WHO is also funded by major sponsors such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Rothschild Group in London, which is absolute control populations for political goals of the world. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind. I can pick up a half-hour show next for specific programs are designed to kill large numbers of people, and it was done in every single case, with the help of the introduction of vaccination. We can see a pattern, a modus operandi, in this case.

Introduce one type of vaccine to the population centers of the unsuspecting, caused widespread illness, death of widespread, widespread panic, chaos spread, and then they fall into the trap and the agenda has been completed. That is the scenario the same reaction to the old problem. They create problems, they dictate their responses and then determine the actions that have been made.

Let me say this. Fear, panic, and terror mostly caused by ignorance. My brother, a problem must be fully understood, I submit there is little interest and a little scared. And let me emphasize that the root word is the word of the pandemic of panic. Panic and pandemics are synonymous.

For the first time the American people are called to serve, were mobilized to enter the draft, and then sent for training at a military base in Spain. This is very important to understand. For the first time in U.S. history, every new recruit, the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force; the entire new recruit must be given the vaccination. One of them is the influenza vaccination is very broad. Now, these soldiers have no choice. Do they want to be vaccinated or imprisoned 5 to 10 years without freedom? The tragedy for me, a manufacturer of the vaccine forced, a man named John D. Rockefeller is made - literally - millions of dollars in sales of vaccines to the U.S. government.

Baxter Pharmaceutical Company "accidentally" Sending Bird Flu Vaccines are contaminated to 18 Countries

Company (Baxter) which releases material contaminated with flu virus from a factory in Austria which confirmed Friday that testing of products containing the virus, the H5N1 bird flu virus is alive. A WHO official who operated in Europe said the agency was closely monitoring the investigation at the research facility owned by Baxter International in the Orth-Donau, Austria. Product is contaminated with a mixture of influenza viruses H3N2 seasonal and H5N1 viruses are not labeled, which is supplied to an Austrian research company. A subcontractor on the Czech Republic ferrets injected with the product type and die. Type mongoose should not die of flu viruses that come from H3Ns humans. Unintentional release of a mixture of live-virus H5N1 and H3N2 virus could lead to terrible consequences. Mixing process, the so-called varying the back, is one of the two roads created a pandemic virus. Can swine flu have been made by humans? If you watch the events above, would you be thinking like that?

Swine flu outbreak of 2009: special report by Dr. Leonard Horowitz vaccine industry to include genocide

Hello, I'm Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and this is an urgent news bulletin about a new type of flu that is mentioned makes his journey from Mexico to enter the United States (U.S.) as I broadcast it. Some stocks rocket in the air Novavax, Inc. accelerate the dozens of deaths from influenza in Mexico that includes an Anglo-American network of leading from genetic engineers in a conspiracy to conduct genocide (the destruction of human beings). Dr. James S. Robertson, an engineer from the UK's leading biologists in the field of influenza viruses for the vaccine industry. An organizer of the current body of U.S. government funding agencies to contract a favorable biological defense, in addition to the partners at the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) to help Novavax, Inc. In Bethesda Maryland, producing a combination of re-genetically modified avian influenza viruses, swine, and Spain, H5N1 and H1N1 - almost similar to a virus that attacks the Mexico that had never happened before and has now spread to the United States.

Outbreak was conducted in time to promote new companies and research contracts of vaccine stockpiling. Scientists at the CDC held implicated cooperation-cooperation and publications are accompanied by a private contract with Novavax Inc.., a company that obtained in quotes "medicinal products authorized biofarma" by the director of the CDC influenza, Ruben O. And Dr. Donis. Rick Bright who previously worked with the CDC Donis, but now as vice chairman of Novavax influenza programs globally.

Evidence of this conspiracy to kill in the duplication of the vaccine industry, including genetic markers in the original influenza virus, which is now spread from Mexico to America. The virus is in quotes "are genetically different from the seasonal H1N1 flu viruses that infect humans are fully globally circulating for a few years ago," said Reuters and officials said. A new influenza virus containing DNA virus type poultry, pigs and humans. Including the elements of flu viruses from European pigs and Asia. This is a description of the signs and diagnosis of viral presence that comes from Robertson's circle of friends.

No other group in this world who take the H5N1 Asian influenza infected to chicken, take it to Europe, extract its DNA, proteins combine with H5N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu separate, also add additional genes are mixed with swine flu genes from pigs, and then reverse engineer the viruses to infect humans. Final product as described by Reuters could only end, in Mexico through the United States from England by the CDC. Ruben Donis at the CDC have been sending the viruses to which team Novavax Rick Bright, now implicated in a conspiracy to conduct genocide, mass murder of people for profit business, unlike some previous explanations.


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