Thursday, December 17, 2009

What is the Point to Meditation?

Written by:CJ Lee
Unfortunately, the concept of meditation has all sorts of stereotypes linked to the notion but putting it in layman terms...what the hell is it??

There is really nothing complicated or difficult about meditation and maybe to some extent the greatest mishap has probably had a lot to do with the meaning we have all attached to the label. Labels, although useful, often have the habit of limiting the perception of what something is and it enforces ideology and pre-conceived conceptions prior to creating personal experiences. This certainly may be true when we speak of MEDITATION.

The biggest problem with the world today is our relationship with our own sense of self, or at times referred to as one's ego. Through time, the ego seems to have a life of it's own and it constantly plays images in our head that we often don't seem to have control over. These images can come in forms of imaginary movies only seen by oneself, or a repetitive notion or thought that seems to keep playing into one's ear. And as Eckhart Tolle described it best... We Humans have become lost in thought. This thought often creates illusions and beliefs that in fact don't exist in other forms of reality. In addition, with the modern world that most of us live in, we are constantly bombarded with images and sound, the moment we step outside our front doors. And often we all wonder the question.... "How can I turn all this off??"

Well, the answer comes in the form of meditation, or otherwise can be described as quietening one's mind. We all may start in different ways and through different forms, but the result inevitably is the same where one manages to switch off all distractions, thoughts etc etc and become absolutely still. Through practice and continuous appreciation of it, you begin to see that there is an air of tranquility in all things and the hectic lives that we often become stressed over seems to wrapped around an aura of tranquility or stillness. Whichever method or way you start, the thing to keep in mind is that we don't need to just set aside a time to do "meditation". Rather, it helps to transfuse this in as many pockets of time as possible throughout your day until it permeates throughout your whole day and in every facet of life.

The result to all this?? All I can say is that life doesn't quite look the same.

I have often found that most of the public fails to really understand the key issues surrounding the news around us, and generally take things at face value, rather than question what the key motives may be. Within my blog my hope is that it will lead you to ask more questions and start your journey where you control your own mind rather than subjecting it to be controlled.

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