Saturday, September 12, 2009

The purpose of Parsley

Apparently parsley or parsley or Petroselinumm crispum not just for seasoning food kitchen or decoration, but also herbs that have been known for centuries for treatment. Parsley can absorb the steam and prevent the wine drunk.

The herbalist uses herbs to treat kidney and stomach disorders, insect bites and fight infection. Parsley allegedly came from southern Europe or the Eastern Mediterranean and used mostly grown in the gardens of monasteries and palaces.

But now cultivated two varieties of parsley root (var. tuberosum) root can be eaten soft and so commonly used for cooking smells. Parsley is cultivated only to harvest the leaves only. These types are usually used to decorate food. These varieties form the roots of small and hard as wood texture.

For hundreds of years this herb is often used as a traditional drug deal for high blood pressure, menstrual pain, enuresis (bedwetting), kidney stones, stone empedum, sciatica, swollen glands and freshen breath.

Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A and C and other components that efficacious cleaning toxins from the body such as chlorophyll. Parsley is also widely used to help relieve digestive problems such as bloating, fluid retention, gastrointestinal disturbances, also reduce pain in rheumatism and gout.

High content of vitamin C, amino acids, potassium and folic acid in the parsley also explain why the herb is good for the heart, digestion, blood pressure and overcome pain. Parsley also contains anti-histamine and antioxidants that can help overcome inflammation.

However, parsley is known to stimulate uterine contractions, which is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Parsley jaringann also can irritate the kidneys, because it is also not recommended consumed by those who have kidney infections or other kidney disorders. Do not consume too much parsley as the oil is toxic and can cause poisoning.

Parsley maximum effect can only be obtained by maintaining freshness. Wrap in paper towels soaked with water before it is stored in the refrigerator. Do not cook too long to taste and vitamins are not lost. Enter parsley when cooked food is almost finished.

We recommend using fresh rather than dried because it was less good for health. To store longer, parsley can be frozen. Simply wash, slice finely and store in the ice. Good luck.


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