Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cervical Cancer

In the world, cervical cancer is the second type of cancer most common in women aged over 15 knew. Around 5000 women diagnosed with cervical cancer, and every 2 minutes a woman dies because of this cancer.
Cervical cancer is the health burden, psychological, and social for women patients. This disease can attack all women, especially sexually active, regardless of age or lifestyle. There remains a potential risk factor that causes cervical cancer. Among other things, to have sex at a young age, often changing sexual partners without using condoms, often suffer from infections in the genital area, gave birth to many children, and smoking habits. Also vitamin A, C and E.

Early Detection
Cervical cancer is different from other types of cancer. In cervical cancer, a phase called precancerous that can be detected early. If you immediately get treatment, his recovery rate is almost 100%. Early-stage cervical cancer often has no symptoms or signs typical, even no symptoms at all. Meanwhile, in the event of symptoms such as bleeding after sexual intercourse; whitish or watery fluid from the vagina; bleeding after menopause; out smelling yellowish liquid or mixed with blood; pelvic pain, or can not urinate, it's likely already happening-stage cervical cancer information.
Lack of public knowledge about cervical cancer and its causes, low awareness and a reluctance to early detection, caused most (more than 70%) patients arrived in a condition which is severe and difficult to cure.

HPV Vaccine
Not much is known to cause cancer. However, the cause of cervical cancer has succeeded in mind, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Approximately 99.7% of cervical cancers caused by HPV. With unknown causes, cervical cancer can be prevented or overcome.

There are about 100 types of HPV that have been identified, most are harmless. A total of 40 species can be transmitted through sexual contact. Of these 40 species classified into two groups, namely high-risk HPV (causing cancer) and low risk. There are 15 types that cause cancer, including HPV 16 and 18 which is the cause of cervical cancer 70% in Asia Pacific and the world.
Latest prevention is by vaccination, especially those targeting the HPV 16 and 18. The vaccine will improve the ability of the immune system to recognize and destroy the virus when entering the body, before the infection.
Vaccines should be done since adolescence, ie since the age of 10 years in Indonesia with vaccination schedule month-0, 1, and 6. At this age children have started entering the reproductive period and have not contaminated by the virus HPV. So by vaccination, antibody titer response terbentu much higher than adulthood, according to Karel Staa, MD.

The vaccine is calculated to give the defense for 5-6 years. Like most vaccines, this vaccine does not fully provide 100% protection against cervical cancer. Therefore, vaccination with screening and efforts to reduce risk factors can reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Both can reduce the number of cervical cancer patients.


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