Thursday, October 22, 2009

What should we know about Dystonia

Some people may well write a long diary, there are also those who can write a few sentences before their hands were stiff with writer's cramp Cramp author. Why? Apparently the problem is not in the hand muscles but rather a manifestation of the disorder called dystonia. And now researchers have shown that this substance due to imbalances in brain chemistry.

Dystonia is a neurological disorder characterized by muscle contractions that some suddenly, so that some parts of the body moving abnormal, stiff and sometimes painful. Some examples include eyelid spasm blepharospasm, spasmodic torticollis neck muscle spasm that attracted her head to one side, spasmodic dysphonia and vocal cord muscles controlling disturbed that it is difficult to speak. These disorders are often inherited, can begin in childhood or adulthood and is associated with a specific genetic mutation.

Dystonia may affect a small area, or the whole body and individual severity. Some will be affected only slightly, while others become 'disabled'. Writer's Cramp is a form of disorder known as task-specific focal dystonia only occurs in a particular activity and disappears when the activity is stopped. Researchers from the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to use high-tech imaging technique is magnetic resonance spectroscopy to compare the brains of 7 patients with writer's Cramp-free 17 people who had problems. They saw that patients with writer's Cramp significantly decreased GABA levels of the hormone, in some areas in the brain, whereas the control group had normal GABA.

The findings are published in the Annals of Neurology latest mentions, "We have identified, for the first time, changes in GABA in the brain of patients with specific distonia" writes Lucien M. Levy, MD, PhD, and Mark Hallett, MD. "Brain GABA reduction can explain distonia clinical symptoms."

Writer's Cramp apparently was no big deal, but other forms can dystonia a big problem in life. This research therefore expected to bring a more comprehensive understanding of this disorder and can help doctors make treatment.

Moreover, it is written also that magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques can be used to see the changes that occur at the molecular level, namely GABA monitor in a way that non-oinvasif. And a tool or technique is something that is very useful in the evaluation and management of patients who experienced dystonia.


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