Friday, October 16, 2009

How to increase men sexuality?

Compared with women, men were more vulnerable stamina age. Proof, the problem occurs with age. From the beginning until the undermined the vitality of various health problems that made him sluggish. In addition to a healthy life choices, deer velvet extract supplementation could be the solution.

Healthy balanced diet becomes the main option to get quality stamina. Intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins is a source of energy, while vitamins and minerals act as a catalyst needed in the body's metabolic processes. Vitamins and minerals are essential compounds that can not be produced by the body that must be supplied from food or supplements. Body will remain healthy if you always get a complete nutritional intake and quality. The problem is, the food we eat has experienced a loss of quality during the production process, storage, preservation and processing.
Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating disorder, digestive problems, air pollution, stress, and drug use will damage and reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body, so it will be a negative impact on health.

The factors above lead to malnutrition and will affect the man stamina. That is why supplementation is needed to help the body stay fit. Currently the market is a lot of choices. One was a special supplement to keep the stamina of the man who created the natural antlers. Has long been used deer velvet along with other herbs such as ginseng as a tonic. In traditional Chinese medicine, deer antlers are used to harmonize the yin and yang energy. This will balance the hormones needed to increase stamina, vitality, and restore the energy lost due to stress and fatigue.

David Allison in his book Velvet Antler (Nature's Superior Tonic) shows that in early experiments on mice, deer velvet showed increased testosterone and estrogen hormone that is involved in male sexual function and women.
Another study from Betty Kamen, written in his book The Remarkable Healing Power Velvet Antler stated that routine use of deer velvet extract can increase testosterone levels which affects the increase vitality, stamina, endurance, libido, erections, and to overcome erectile dysfunction.
Deer velvet is likely to be adaptogens improve the body condition of less balanced. In traditional Chinese Medicine, or the condition of the body energy balance is the key to health including sexual health. Deer velvet also well known to overcome impotence, especially in China. Dr. Chou Shi Zhi, specialist treatment of male sexual problems Dalian dai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, has a list of 300 formula "the most effective prescription for impotence". Deer velvet is on the list in almost all formulas. In China, the benefits of deer antlers as a supplement has been known for more than 2000 years, and is part of the Chinese Medical Pharmacopoeia. In fact, in the empire, called the tonic antlers emperor.


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