Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Erectile disorders treatment with shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy has been used to solve only kidney stones and activate the blood vessels of heart patients. But shockwave therapy was effective also for treatment of erectile disorder.

Although there was a little scary, but based on research conducted by the European Society for Sexual Medicine shockwave therapy is one of the more effective treatments to help men with erectile disorder problems.

This shockwave therapy uses a special machine, this method had previously been introduced to help break the kidney stones. While heart disease patients, shockwave therapy is increasingly used to revive the blood vessels.

"If this therapy can work well in small blood vessels in the heart, we feel that this therapy can also work in the penis. Because the average patient has erectile problems with blood vessel problems," said Dr. Yoram Vardi of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, as quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (18/11/2009).

Vardi and colleagues did a test by using a low-intensity shockwave of 20 patients male erectile disorder is severe or because of reduced blood flow to the penis.

All patients undergoing treatment sessions for four weeks. During these treatment sessions, this shockwave therapy using low intensity which is applied in various regions penis for several minutes. After completion of treatment, Vardi and colleagues found 15 of these patients experienced erectile disorder increased significantly erection function. And so far found no side effects from this treatment.

Six months after shockwave therapy, 12 patients from 15 people revealed that they no longer need to use viagra or any medication to treat erectile disorder.

"Drugs like viagra can only provide a functional improvement, whereas shockwave therapy could be used to treat most patients erectile disorders," said Vardi.


bedo3 said...

I have heard about shockwave therapy at this great site with sex information. They have thorough and educated answers on sex health pretty consistently.

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