Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mammography Breast Cancer Detection Is Not a Good Methods and can cause a cancer

Deaths from breast cancer usually appear between ages 30 to 50 years. Fortunately, today you have more choice in detecting breast cancer than a few decades ago.

Unfortunately, education and socialization will these options and their effectiveness in detecting breast cancer in different levels is less.

Better than Mammography

At the beginning of his article, Beyond Mammography, Dr. Len Saputo told me that he followed the development of all detection methods used by the medical community, including mammography, clinical breast test, ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and PET scans.

In the next section, Dr. Len explained about a method of detection is better than mammography, explains in detail how the latest and great this one method, namely termografi breast (breast Thermography).

Termografi breast is a breast cancer detection methods that have been there since around the 1960s, using a scanner monitors the heat to heat variation detecting breast in the body. However, the infrared scanner in these years was less sensitive. Today, more termografi modern breast has undergone a very rapid progress than ever before.

Breast cancer is the second most violent to women in the United States. Based on the latest reports, 2007-2008 Breast Cancer Data, in the year 2007 there have been 178,000 new cases of breast cancer and more than 40,000 women die of it.

But to watch a man not immune to breast cancer. Has found more than 2,000 men diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and approximately 450 men died because of it. Because detection of breast cancer for men is almost never done, this seems to make a man diagnosed with a more severe stage, and thus a small survival rate.

Unfortunately, in this case the conventional medical still use the old method of detecting and treating cancer, no matter how much less effective method.

The use of mammography as a standard is one example of conventional medical errors in detecting cancer.

The Case Against Mammography

Health institutions in the United States recommends all women over 40 years to get a mammogram every 1 or 2 years, but there is no strong evidence that mammogram tests could save lives and the benefits were too controversial. It is precisely the danger to the health of mammography has been clearly known.

John Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. - A nuclear physicist and a medical doctor, and one of the world-class experts in the field of radiation hazards, presenting the evidence irrefutable in his book "Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease", which explains that the more 50% rate of cancer deaths was triggered by the use of x-ray.

Now let's consider the fact that the routine practice of taking pictures 4 movies in each breast a person each year, resulting in approximately 1 rad (radiation absorbed dose) exposure to radiation, it means the same as 1000 times greater than the photos chest x-ray.

How to Improve Mammography Your Risk of Cancer Affected

X-ray and other ionizing radiation classmates in a few decades has been shown to cause any kind of biological mutations. At the beginning of biological mutation is not lethal. But these mutations accumulate gradually with each additional exposure to x-ray or other ionizing radiation.

X-rays are also known to cause of genomic instability, which is one characteristic of the most aggressive cancers.

In addition, the risk of radiation was 4 times greater for 1-2% of women who are carriers of AT gene (ataxia-telangiectasia), which in the calculation of average per year was 20% in patients with breast cancer.

When calculated, reducing the frequency of medical radiation exposure, such as a mammogram will reduce mortality.

The practice of screening mammography itself result in a cumulative risk of breast cancer, especially for women who were premenopausal at the time.

What's worse, the wrong positive diagnosis often occurs for 89%, which resulted in many women get mastectomy (surgical removal of breasts) unnecessary and harmful, coupled with radiation or chemotherapy.

In certain cases mammography is beneficial. But the fact is there are technologies out there, a proven technology is cheaper, not really a health hazard and more effective in saving many people.

Now imagine what if you could look into ourselves and find out what's going to happen and "developing" 10 years later at the breast, where it will enable you to take prevention measures against the development of early cancer and alter radically the pattern of life for health you.

The technology is already there since the 1960s, the Termografi Breast Screening.

Termografi Breast Screening - The alternative method is more safe and more effective

Most doctors still recommend a mammogram for fear of being sued by a female patient who developed breast cancer because she did not advise patients to check with a mammogram. But I suggest you to think about your health and to consider alternative methods of safer and effective than a mammogram.

Options for breast screening that I strongly recommend is termografi breast screening.

Termografi screening is very simple. He measured the infrared radiation of heat from your body and translates this information into the form of images. Your blood circulation is normal in control autonomik nervous system that regulates your body's functions.

Termografi not use mechanical equipment to suppress or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer before she developed 10 years earlier than mammography or physical examination!

Mammography can not detect a tumor until the tumor unless it has been grown and certain size. But it is different with termografi where he could detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier.

It can even detect the potential existence of any cancer before the tumor was formed because he could describe the early stages of angiogenesis, the formation of a direct channeling of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before the formation is developed to grow to the size of the tumor.

Many men will be saved his life by this method because mammography is not regularly applied to men.

Other risk factors are usually ignored and How You Avoid It

Breast density and circulating levels of sex hormones are two of the high breast cancer risk factors commonly found in women in post-menopausal stage. A study in the year 2007 published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute confirmed that although these two factors usually appear together, they are also independent risk factors.

The researchers found that (after controlling other factors) when breast density was not taken into account, the circulation of women with high sex hormone, has a risk of developing breast cancer two times greater than those circulating sex hormones low. And the women who have a quarter of breast density is higher, has a risk four times greater than low, regardless of the level of sex hormones.

The women with both factors of high sex hormone and the most dense breasts have a risk six times greater breast cancer.

The presenter in this study emphasizes the importance of screening and perhaps, the most important thing is to maintain a balanced weight to keep the hormone levels remain good. American Cancer Society recognizes that obesity is very influential on several deaths due to cancer.


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