Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever wake up from sleep, but it is difficult to move or scream? Relax, you're not being harassed by evil spirit. This is the scientific explanation!

EVENT I often experienced since high school days, even up to now (although their frequency was greatly reduced). We want to wake up from sleep or had just fallen asleep, I felt like pressed something. This makes it hard up or shout for help. Then, there was a little cold spread from the foot to the entire body. To get up, the only way is to move the toes, tip of
hand or head at full speed until the whole body can be moved back.

After that, I usually do not dare to sleep. Afraid I lost consciousness or the incident is repeated again. Especially when the incident, I always see a shadow in the darkness. I had my talk about this to my mother. He said I had the weight. And according to the trust of parents, who pinned the spirits. Ih, creepy yes! However, I am trying to find the logic of scientific explanation.

According to the medical situation when people would sleep or waking up feeling like a strangled breath, tight chest, hard body moving and difficult shouted called sleep paralysis (because the body can not move and seemed paralyzed). Almost everyone has experienced it. At least once or twice in his life.

Sleep paralysis can happen to anyone, male or female. And the average age of first person having this sleep disorder is 14-17 years. Sleep paralysis is the alias of this overlap may be over in a matter of seconds to minutes. Interestingly, when squeezing occurs we often experience hallucinations, like seeing a black shadow figure or around the bed. Not surprisingly, this phenomenon was often associated with mystical thing.

In the Western world, a phenomenon often referred to the weight of bad dreams or old hag inkubus based on shadow form that appears. There is also a feeling to see a foreign secret agents or aliens. While in some medieval paintings, the figure represented by the weight of evil spirits occupy a woman's breasts until she was frightened and difficult to breathe.

Sleep Deprivation

According to Al Cheyne, researchers from the University of Waterloo, Canada, sleep paralysis, is a kind of hallucination due to a malfunction in the stage of sleep rapid eye movement (REM).

As knowledge, based on brain waves, sleep is divided into 4 stages. Stage it is the lightest stage of sleep (we were still half asleep), sleep stage of a deeper, deepest sleep and REM stages. At this stage the dream happen.

When the condition of the body is too tired or lack of sleep, brain wave sleep stages did not follow that it should be. So, from a conscious state (while going to sleep) to the lightest sleep stage, then immediately jumped into the dream (REM).

When the brain suddenly awakened from REM stage, but the body has not, here is sleep paralysis occurs. We feel very conscious, but the body could not move. Plus the hallucinations appeared another figure which is actually characteristic of the dream.

In addition, sleep paralysis can also be caused by something that can not be controlled. As a result, appeared stressed and carried into the dream. Work environment, too influential. For example, you work in shifts so that the lack of sleep or having sleep patterns are irregular.

Do not underestimate

Although common, this sleep disorder should be wary of. The reason is, sleep paralysis can also be a sign Narcolepsy (sudden sleep attacks without warning drowsy), sleep apnea (snoring), anxiety, or depression.

If you are experiencing this sleep disorder, you should make a note of the pattern of sleep for several weeks. This will help you find out the cause. Then, overcome by avoiding triggers. When the weight caused too tired, try to rest more. Lack of sleep should not be underestimated. If you have cause sleep paralysis, the condition is already severe. Immediately cukupi self-evaluation and the need to sleep. Try to sleep 8-10 hours at the same hour every night.

Also note, seep paralysis generally occurs in people who sleep in the supine position (face up, and almost in a state of sleep or waking from sleep almost). That is why, we need to frequently change position to sleep to reduce the risk of this sleep disorder.

Well, if the overlap with other symptoms, it's good to see a doctor immediately or sleep specialist sleep laboratory to be examined further. Usually the doctor will ask when the weight started and been going on for how long. Note that you have created earlier will be helpful when went to the doctor.

Myth Sleep paralysis in Various Countries

- In the African-American culture, this sleep disorder called the devil riding your back a ghost or ghosts who were up someone's shoulder.

- In the culture of China, called shen gui ya aka ghost disorders that suppress the body of a person.

- In Mexican culture, called a subio el muerto me and believed to be the scene of dead spirits attached to someone.

- In the culture of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, called pee umm, referring to the incident where someone sleeping and dreaming spirits holding or holding the body of the person to stay in their nature.

- The culture of Iceland, called mara. This is an ancient language word Island. Means ghosts who occupy a person's chest at night, trying to make people's shortness of breath and suffocation.

- At Tuki culture, called karabasan, believed to be the creature that attacked people at the time to sleep, pressing chest and took a breath.

- In Japanese culture, called kanashibari, which translated literally means a person binds so bound by spirits.

- In Vietnamese culture, called ma de, which means controlled by the devil. Many Vietnamese people believe these problems occurred because the spirits entered the body of a person.

- In the culture of Hungary, called lidercnyomas and associated with the supernatural boszorkany (witch). The word itself means pressing boszorkany so this translates into a pressure that is being refined to someone in their sleep.

- The culture of Malta, sleep disturbance is considered as an attack by Haddiela (Hares wife), gods who haunt the nation of Malta by way of possession of that person. And to avoid Haddiela attack, one must put the objects of silver or a knife under her pillow while sleeping.

- In the culture of New Guinea, this phenomenon is called Suk Ninmyo. This is the sacred tree of life of the human spirit. This sacred tree will take the human spirit in the night so as not to disturb people in the daytime. However, often the spirit of this tree was eaten up and there was sleep paralysis.


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